RE at St Joseph's School
St Joseph's is a voluntary aided Catholic school where Christian ethics permeate the whole curriculum. All children who attend St Joseph's School participate in the religious life of the school. Every age group follows a published religious scheme called “Come and See”, which is a structured programme used nationally in many primary schools. Please see table of learning alongside.
The scheme follows the liturgical year of the Church, where the central theme is the Christian belief in Jesus Christ as the word and revelation of God. Each term basic themes are explored within the Catholic faith tradition, which is complemented by the religious traditions in our homes and parishes. The different themes of the scheme are studied by the whole school over a short period which provides continuity and progression. These programmes provide opportunities for celebration, prayer and reflection through assemblies, Masses and prayer services.
The religious life of the school enables children to explore and experience a deepening of their faith and an awareness of the needs of the world today. Throughout Advent and Lent the children are encouraged to contribute in various ways to charitable causes.
Children may be withdrawn from Collective Worship and R.E lessons on the grounds of religious belief. However, the governors are anxious that there should be minimal disruption to the school curriculum. If parents have any cause for concern in such matters, it is essential that they are discussed with the Headteacher before the child is admitted to the school.
Visit from Jan Beaumont from Cafod
We welcomed Jan Beaumont from CAFOD to St Joseph's on 13th October, and she kindly led assemblies for all the children in Years 1-6 on the theme of 'Harvest' and 'Sustainability'.
Jan told us how CAFOD helped Luana who lives in the Brazilian Amazon. When fires destroyed the crops and trees that Luana’s community rely on to survive, CAFOD’s local experts helped them to replant using sustainable methods so that they would have food to eat and to sell.
Jan told the children how the money raised in our Lenten Appeal earlier this year had helped to support communities around the world in many ways from supplying solar lights in refugee camps, to helping people around the world who have no access to water for drinking, washing and farming.
Jan praised the school for our fundraising efforts, and presented us with a certificate of thanks from Cafod.
We would like to thank Jan for visiting us, and for being so informative and interesting.
Here is a prayer from Cafod, a prayer of hope for the future of our planet:
Walk beside us, Lord, in the cool of the day, in the garden you have created as our common home.
Walk beside us, Lord, as the cries of the forest pierce the dawn, and flames rip through our common home.
Grant us courage, Lord, as we walk beside all those who struggle, to protect our common home.
Grant us hope, Lord, and the vision to walk dark paths in the light of a single sunbeam.
Grant us grace, Lord, to put the flourishing of all people and the wonder of your creation at the heart of all we do, as we strive to be guardians of our common home.
St Francis, pray for us