Safeguarding children is a statutory responsibility for every school and a priority for our staff team at Winterbourne Nursery and Infant School. Please find information below as to our key school safeguarding staff and links to important school documents about safeguarding.
Please feel free to contact us at school if you have any questions about safeguarding here, or need support for any reason. We will do our best to assist you in any way we can.
Safeguarding Leads
Designated Safeguarding Lead:
- Ms P. Wigzell, Headteacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:
- Miss J. Bravery, Pastoral Manager
- Ms S. Wiseman, SENDCo
- Mrs P. Sathiyanathan, Assistant Headteacher/ SENDCo
Definition of safeguarding:
Winterbourne Nursery & Infant School adopts the definition used in the Children Act 2004 and in ‘Working together to safeguard children’. This can be summarised as:
- protecting children from maltreatment
- preventing impairment of children’s health or development
- ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
- taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
Safeguarding is not just about protecting children from deliberate harm. It relates to aspects of school life including:
- pupils’ health and safety
- the use of reasonable force
- meeting the needs of pupils with medical conditions
- providing first aid
- educational visits
- intimate care
- internet or e-safety
- appropriate arrangements to ensure school security, taking into account the local context.
Resources for parents:
Resources for parents to use with children:
- (Children age 4+ can use this site with parental support and guidance
- Note the Advice by Age tab
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