As Chair of Governors for Winterbourne Nursery & Infant School, I am delighted to welcome you to the section of the school’s web pages set aside to describe and explain the work being done by the school’s governors. You will find here information about the Governing Body as well as copies of the key documents related to our work.
Governors are volunteers and are appointed to represent all the various groups who have an interest in the school’s success – parents, staff, the wider local community and the local authority (Croydon Council). We do not manage the school – that is the Headteacher’s job. But we do set the school’s strategic direction with the aim of ensuring that all children in the school receive the best possible education we can provide.
This section of the website is very much a “work in progress”. We have included the documents that we think you as parents and carers will find of most use. But if there is other information you think should be included please do let us know. Similarly, we would be very happy to answer any questions about the way the Governing Body does it work. You can either speak to one of the parent governors, whom you will most often see in school, or alternatively, please leave a note for me at the office.
We will be pleased to hear from you.