Each school receives an additional amount of funding to the school budget called the Pupil Premium Grant [PPG]. The amount of grant received depends on the number of pupils who are entitled to Free School Meals [FSM], Children Looked After [CLA] and those children whose parents serve in the armed forces. This funding is used to support these pupils and help them be as successful as any other pupil or groups of pupils.
For every pupil who is entitled to FSM the school will receive £1320.
For every pupil who is a Child Looked After the school will receive £1900.
For every pupil whose parent/s serve in the armed forces the school will receive £300.
As of the 1st of April, Nursery aged group pupils are also entitled to the PPG.
For every FSM pupil who is in the Nursery the school will receive £300.
Each school can decide how they want to spend the Pupil Premium Grant but must be able to say how they have spent the grant, why they decided to spend it in a particular way and the impact that this has had on the pupils.
For more information, please see the document below: