Key Stage One Assessments

In May 2023 it was expected that all year two children in England took the end of Key Stage One Standard Assessment Tests. The tests consisted of two reading comprehension tests and two Maths tests (arithmetic and reasoning). Below are the results:

Percentage achieving the expected standard or higher:

Whole school Data final for website

Three year trend:

Three year trend for website

During the 2022-2023 academic year we had a high proportion of children who joined our school who were completely new to English. Whilst those children made accelerated progress they did not meet the national standard for their attainment.


Phonics Screening Check

The phonics screening check is a statutory assessment for year one children to assess children’s ability to decode words using their phonics knowledge. This usually takes place in June.

Three year trend PSC for website
Year 2 PSC three year trend for website