The Universal Approach:

At Winterbourne Nursery and Infants we endeavour to meet the needs of all children within our school, through Quality First teaching and the universal approach.  Such strategies include each class displaying and using visual timetables, pictorial and concrete resources being used to support and consolidate learning, teachers incorporating movement breaks for the whole class and reduced language being used within the class when needed.  Students with an SEND support plan have individualised targets which are worked on daily by the class teacher and class TA.  These are reviewed every 6 weeks by the SENDCo and class teachers.


Little Stars:  

Little Stars is an SEN provision provided by our school to educate children with social communication difficulties/Moderate Learning difficulties.  The provision is a long term intervention, with the view for the children who attend it to graduate back to their mainstream class once they are ‘school ready’. Little Stars is a flexible group that adapts to the needs of the children from Reception to Year 2.

Little Stars focusses on developing social skills, listening and attention, communicating and interacting alongside the Early Years curriculum.  The children are taught by 4 highly trained specialist SEN staff members who include Makaton, Attention Autism, TEACCH®, now and next boards, Picture Exchange Communication System, additional visual aids and reduced language in their approach.

The children have scheduled time with their class teacher in their mainstream classroom before and after Little Stars.

The morning session runs between 9.00 – 11.30 and the afternoon session runs between 12.30 – 3.00.


Cosmic Crew:

Many children can find handling their emotions, staying focussed in class or having confidence a challenge.  A child needs to be happy, safe and secure in order for them to learn at the best of their abilities.  We are excited to have launched our Cosmic Crew this September to support KS1 children with their Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs alongside learning the core subjects.  The group is delivered by 3 trained members of staff, 1 of whom is an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant).  Phonics, spellings, Mathematics and English are taught every morning along with the newly implemented Hamish and Milo SEMH scheme.


Little Rockets:

Little Rockets is a group to support children who are finding it difficult to access the mainstream curriculum in KS1.  The group runs in January for a minimum of 1 term to accelerate the progress across the foundation subject curriculum and mathematics.  Learning consists of discussion based and practical tasks, making learning fun and in context for the children.

Little Rockets runs in the afternoons for 75 minutes by 2 highly trained members of staff.


Sensory differences:

At Winterbourne we pride ourselves on always doing our very best to accommodate the differences of each child so they can get the most out of their education with us.  We are trained in sensory differences and understanding that some people are sensory seeking and some are sensory avoidance.  To support this, staff have regular training to be aware of this in their classrooms.  All staff also allow children to have scheduled whole class and individualised movement breaks.  Sensory circuits are also timetabled for children who require this.


Mini Stars:

We are excited to be launching an SEN intervention for Nursery aged children.  Mini Stars will launch later this term and will educate children with social communication difficulties/Moderate Learning difficulties.  The provision is a long term intervention, with the view for the children who attend it, to graduate back to their mainstream class once they are ‘school ready’.

Much like Little Stars, Mini Stars will focus on developing social skills, listening and attention, communicating and interacting, alongside the Early Years curriculum.  The children are taught by 2 highly trained specialist SEN staff members who will include Makaton, Attention Autism, TEACCH®, now and next boards, Picture Exchange Communication System, additional visual aids and reduced language in their approach.  The children who will attend Mini Stars will have opportunities to engage and interact within the Nursery provision during the session.  Currently the capacity for the group will be 6 children.

The sessions will run every afternoon, 12.30 – 3.15.

Our SENDCOs (Ms Sue Wiseman) and (Mrs Patricia Sathiyanathan) can be contacted by email or phone on 020 8689 7684.