- To have a coherent, sequenced scheme of work that ensures that by the end of KS1 all children have learned key knowledge about the four main religions in the UK.
- To give children opportunity to reflect on life’s big questions.
- To improve staff knowledge and confidence to teach quality R.E.
- Follow Croydon Agreed Syllabus – the scheme of work introduces celebrations of world religions in EYFS along with opportunity to think about caring for others including the natural world. Then in KS1 – Year 1 has an introduction to the 4 world religions – Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Christianity and Year 2 look in more depth encouraging children to compare religions and make links,
- Complete planning overview with each year group N/R/1/2 to ensure continuity, opportunity to revisit without repetition, and promote quality recording.
- CPD for Class Teachers – Progression of skills in R.E
- Planning effective recording opportunities
- Develop teaching assistants subject knowledge
- Use vocabulary to support the lowest 20%
- Child’s Voice – can children answer question ‘what did you know and what have you learned from this half term? What’s new?
- Book scrutiny – Informal monitoring of planning and review each half term.
- Introduce assessment in KS1 halfway through NOT at the end – assess if knowledge is gained before moving to next area.
- Link to SMSC and British Value
- WIRE (Widening Inclusion in R.E.)
- Effective use of lesson time affords children opportunity to reflect and apply skills of enquiring, connecting, noticing, discussing.
- Children can talk about their learning in R.E.
- Books show progression from one lesson to the next and across the key stage
- The contribution of R.E. is valued in the wider curriculum and children’s lives.